I am so thankful that God allowed me so many years of ministry to so many people.
I am thankful for His continued blessing and His faithfulness in my life as I move into what is next for me. I am thankful for His continued work in making me into the image of His Son, and the opportunities to continue using my gifts and talents for Him and His kingdom. I am thankful for every new song I write - which is His work in me to remind me what I was made to do. I am thankful for my family, my friends and all who have shared with me how much my ministry has meant to them and I am thankful for God never giving up on me and opening doors and reminding me who I am and what I have in Christ. I am blessed beyond my wildest dreams.
I am thankful that I am free of the burden of running a church and free to begin to rebuild my ministry and to see if there are opportunities out there for me to do what I did for so many years again. That would be my greatest dream, and other things that God might have me do to further His Kingdom and to further the work of sharing Christ.
I am also thankful for all the years I got to minister in and serve Open Door Fellowship, and to lead the amazing people I got to do ministry with. I am so grateful that I was allowed to lead that amazing church and I am thrilled that it is now being led by someone else and God is doing great things there and I will always cherish the time I was allowed to lead them, and I will always remember that God did use me most of the time even though there were some times when I was not as effective as I had wanted to be. But God also knew when enough was enough and used the elders to free me and to allow me to begin to heal and renew and remember. What a blessing that has been as I have been on the journey of rediscovery and renewal. It is all God’s providence and I am so thankful that I have had this time to remember, write a book, and rediscover me and my heart for His work. That is a gift beyond measure.
My God Is GOOD! He knows me and exactly what I need and He makes a way where I can’t see a way. He also reminds me with every step that it is in His power and in His grace and in His righteousness that I live a breath and move and have my being. It is all about Him! I must never forget that and neither should you. Apart from God I can do nothing, but with Him all things are possible. I am living proof of that and even now I am being reminded that it is still true and my life is in Him and He in me.
There is no other way to live. I will forever worship Him who died for me so that I could have life forever and be acceptable to His Father. Jesus paid it all, and I owe everything to Him. Every breath I take, every solitary heartbeat, every second of my life I owe to Him. There is no one like Him and He stands alone as the Savior of mankind and His creation. His death paid for sin and His resurrection defeated death for all who believe. His Spirit animates me and makes me alive and real and allows me to dream and hope and rest assured that one day He will get me home. On that day I will see His face and I will thank Him for His gift of life and forgiveness and grace. I will forever worship Him in Heaven, and enjoy His presence and live in the light of His glory as I will be made new and whole and substantial enough to be able to look on His glory and not die. I will be complete and I will see my family that has gone before me and I will bask in His eternal light forever and see the universe the way He sees it with eyes that can see what He sees, because I will have a glorified body and will enjoy Heaven with nothing to stand between me and the reality of His Kingdom. There is no greater hope and I long for the day when I am home, but until that day I will sing His Praise and I will look for His return to take His bride home.
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